Release: Board of Estimates Agenda for 2/16

Crest of the City of Baltimore

Bill Henry
Baltimore City
204 City Hall - Baltimore Maryland 21202
(410) 396-5410


Geoff Shannon, Public Relations Officer
(410) 387-5704


Baltimore, MD - The Board of Estimates agenda for the February 16th meeting is now available. It can be found on the Comptroller's website under the Board of Estimates tab.

Items of note:

Page 5, Baltimore Convention Center, Payment of Invoices. The amount is $47,710 and the vendor is Schiller Elevator Corp.  This is for emergency escalator repairs completed in April 2021 after the contract had expired in September 2020. 

Pages 28-29, Law Department, Settlement Agreements & Releases. There are two settlements this week:

Page 33, Department of Audits, Audit of Procedures for Escheat Funds for Fiscal Years Ended June 30 2020, 2019, and 2018. 

Page 35, DOT, Extension of Contract TR 16020 for Comprehensive Conduit Facilities Management Services with KCI-CG-Tri-Venture. 

Page 36, Labor Commissioner, MOU with Baltimore Fire Officers Local 964 for FY 2021-2023.

Pages 59-60, Item #2, Bureau of Procurement, Renewal of Sourcewell Cooperative Contract No. 121416 for Public Safety and Emergency Management Related Equipment with W.W. Grainger, Inc. End-users are Risk Management and Occupational Safety.  Renewal extends the contract through 2/1/23 and adds $125,000 in value.

Pages 74-75, Item #12, Bureau of Procurement, Ratification and Increase for Contract 08000 for ServIT Annual Contract with ServIT, Inc.  Ratification extends the contract through 6/30/22 and adds $40,178 in value, to cover spending that occurred under an “auto-renewal” for case management software. End-user is Baltimore Circuit Court. 

Pages 89-91, Item #23, Bureau of Procurement, Ratification and Extension of Contract B50004606 for Janitorial Services for Area D with No Opportunity Wasted, LLC. The extension is retroactive to 12/1/21 and extends through 7/31/22 to allow time for evaluation of bids on a replacement contract.  End-user is DGS.

Pages 100-102, Bureau of Procurement, Payment of Unauthorized Spend and Confirming Invoices:

  • Page 100, payment of $30,293 by DGS to First Potomac Environment Corp for environmental cleaning services that were performed after a purchase order expired on 2/5/21. 
  • Page 101, payment of $40,178 by the Circuit Court to ServIT, Inc. for renewal of case management software.  
  • Page 102, payment of $21,204.50 by DGS to SEFAC USA, Inc. for emergency work performed on heavy-duty mobile lifts during the time after a valid purchase order had expired but before a new one took effect.

Pages 123-124, DPW, Amendment No. 1 to Agreement with EMA, Inc. under SDC 7794, PAS Colgate Stormwater Pumping Station Upgrade. The amendment increases the upset limit of the contract by $189,709.06. MBE is 10.2% towards a 16% goal while WBE is 0% towards a 5% goal.

Page 127, DPW, Unauthorized Purchase for Canon Solutions America.  Total amount is $24,119.37.  DPW is requesting payment of 18 separate invoices dating back to September 2017.  The invoices were accrued for the rental of printing equipment after expiration of a valid contract.

Page 128, DPW, Unauthorized Purchase for Advance Scale of Maryland.  Total amount is $19,926.03.  DPW is requesting payment of five invoices for “urgent need” truck scale repair work performed from February through July 2021. 

Page 141, Item #4, DPW, Recommendation for Award for WC 1252, Grantley Road & Vicinity Water Main Replacement.  Proposed awardee is Monumental Paving & Excavating, award amount is $6,901,193.50.

Page 145, Department of Finance, Master Services Agreement with Paymentus Corporation.

Baltimore Police Department

Page 10, Items #4, 5, and 6, BPD, Transfers of Funds, $460,000 to implement a workforce management system; $1.8 Million to upgrade IT infrastructure; and $850,000 to upgrade a use of force assessment tool.

Pages 62-63, Item #4, Bureau of Procurement, Renewal of Contract B50005968 for Individual First Aid Kits (IFAK) with CPR Savers and First Aid Supply, LLC. End-user is BPD.  Renewal extends the contract through 1/13/23 and adds $101,145 in value. 

Pages 66-67, Item #7, Bureau of Procurement, Ratification and Renewal for State of Maryland Contract BPO 001B8400207 for Police Vehicle and Emergency Vehicle Warning Systems and Lighting with Global Public Safety, LLC. Renewal extends the contract through 10/31/22 and adds $75,000 in value, of which $7,500 is retroactive to cover spending that occurred from 11/1/21 through 2/16/22. End-user is BPD. 

Pages 78-79, Item #15, Bureau of Procurement, Award of Contract 08000 for JUSTICETRAX Software Annual Maintenance with JUSTICETRAX, Inc. Contract value is $96,150 and term is retroactive from 7/1/21 through 6/30/22. End-user is BPD.

Pages 112-113, BPD, Grant Award from the Governor’s Office of Crime Control and Prevention for the Baltimore Community Intelligence Centers Program.  Award amount is $100,000 and to help pay the cost of two Crime Analysts stationed at the Eastern and Western districts. 

Pages 113-114, BPD, Renewal and Increase of Professional Services Agreement with Dr. Jack Leeb for pre-employment screening evaluations of applicants for employment. This contract was originally approved by the Board on 1/27/21 for a term of 1/1/21 through 12/31/21, with two one-year renewal options and with an initial value of $100,000. The renewal extends the term through 1/26/23 and adds $40,000 in value.


To attend the meeting:

Please note Baltimore City Hall is closed to the public. All Board of Estimates meetings will be conducted via remote video conference. Members of the public can call in via Webex by dialing (408)-418-9388; access code: 2330 145 5436 or stream live at Charm TV's website.

Recordings of each BOE meeting can also be found on Charm TV’s website and Youtube channel.

To address the board:

Procedures for addressing the Board have changed. New rules for submitting Protests and Statements of Oppossition are available at the Comptroller's Website. Protests must be received by noon on Monday, February 14th. Statements of Opposition must be received by noon on Tuesday, February 15th. 

Protests and and Statements of Opposition must be submitted to, cc: or by mail or hand delivery to Attn: Clerk, Board of Estimates Room 204, City Hall, 100 N. Holliday Street. 

The complete regulations on procurement, protests, minority and women-owned business enterprises, and debarment/suspensions can be found on the Comptroller's website.


The Board meets regularly on the first and third Wednesday of each month, with the exception of June and December. Please see the Comptroller’s website for a detailed BOE meeting schedule and associated submission deadlines.

Bid openings:

The Board has implemented changes to the bid opening process. Under temporary emergency procedures, Board Members will not meet for televised meetings to read the bids aloud as they are opened. Instead, paper bids will be opened, tabulated and certified by the Clerk of the Board of Estimates.

Bid tabulation sheets detailing bid proposals received will be publicly posted to the Comptroller’s website by close of business on the date of bid opening.

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