Release: Board of Estimates Agenda for 2/7

Crest of the City of Baltimore

Bill Henry
Baltimore City
204 City Hall - Baltimore Maryland 21202
(410) 396-5410


Geoff Shannon, Public Relations Officer
(410) 387-5704


Baltimore, MD - The agenda for the Board of Estimates February 7th meeting is now available. It can be found on the Comptroller’s website under the Board of Estimates tab. 

We're on Threads! Following for live information during Board of Estimates meetings and other activities from the Comptroller's Office. 

Items of Note

These are transactions we find interesting or may be of interest to the public, organized by agency. A separate list of items on the non-routine/discussion agenda are announced at the BOE meeting.

Baltimore Development Corporation

SB-24-10001, First Amendment to Development and Finance Agreement By and Between the Mayor and City Council and CBAC Borrower, LLC. Transaction amount is $1,720,000. “The Board of Estimates approved a Development and Finance Agreement (Agreement) between the Mayor and City Council and CBAC Borrower, LLC on November 23, 2022. The Agreement provided for development of the Warner Street Entertainment Corridor, an area between M&T Bank Stadium and Horseshoe Casino.”

General Services

SB-24-10100, CCTV installation and monitoring. Transaction amount is $168,660. “The Department of General Services Facilities Division seeks an emergency request for the installation and monitoring of cameras at surplus school facilities. The urgency of this request stems from the repeated occurrences of criminal activities at these surplus schools, resulting in damages exceeding one million dollars per incident.”

Housing & Community Development

 SB-24-10108, City-Owned Real Property Fixed Pricing Disposition Policy, Regulation Update. “...The Department of Housing & Community Development (DHCD) has conducted a comprehensive review of its existing sales processes. As a result of this review, the agency has developed a policy that aims to reduce the timeframe for processing sales of city owned property which can range from 180 to 365 days down to 90 days by creating a fixed pricing policy for properties that meet specific criteria.”

SB-24-10109 - Appraisal Policy Update. “The Appraisal Policy was last updated and approved by the Board on November 3, 2010. At that time, it was stated that the policy should be reviewed no less than every three years to determine whether the appraisal policy should be updated based upon current market conditions and goals of the City. Based on review of current market conditions, the proposed update increases the waiver valuation in lieu of appraisal from $20,000.00 to $25,000.00 for acquisition of a property.”


SB-24-10219, State Farm a/s/o Reichart v. Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, Case No. C-03-cv-22-000621. Settlement amount is $136,208. “The suit against the City alleged that on November 6, 2020, a section of a Baltimore City water main under a Baltimore County street split and caused pressurized water to shoot into the air and onto a home. The water heavily damaged the property and the contents within.”

SB-24-10228, Mary Lee Seaman v. Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, Case No. 03-CV-22-003769. Settlement amount is $60,000.00 “On September 11, 2021, Mary Lee Seaman (“Plaintiff”) sustained injuries resulting from her fall into an open water valve vault on Reisterstown Road where it intersects with Caraway Road and Academy Lane in Baltimore County.”

SB-24-10214, Ronald Mealey v. Baltimore City Police Department, et al. U.S. District Court – Case No. 1:21-cv-02332-JRR. Settlement amount is $130,000. “In October 2021, Plaintiff Ronald Mealey initiated this lawsuit based on events that transpired between 2017 and 2021, related to BPD’s special operations units.”

SB-24-10216, Pamela McEachern v. Leland Brooks, Case No: 24-c-22-004832 Circuit Court for Baltimore City. Settlement amount is $40,000. “On March 26, 2021, Lt. Leland Brooks, driving a marked police vehicle on routine patrol, erroneously thought the traffic signal governing his lane had turned green and accelerated, striking an SUV driven by Pamela McEachern that was stopped ahead of him as both waited on East Lombard Street at Light Street. “

Mayor’s Office of Neighborhood Safety and Engagement

SB-23-14848, Subrecipient Grant Agreement, ROCA Baltimore LLC. Period of agreement is 71/2023 to 6/30/2025. Transaction amount is $1,877,294. “ROCA'S evaluated Intervention Model, grounded in imparting cognitive behavioral theory reduces reoccurrence of violence and recidivism while increasing young people's readiness for employment.”

Parking Authority

 SB-24-10147, Approval of Parking Facility Rate Adjustment at the City-owned Baltimore Street Garage.

SB-24-10148, Approval of Parking Facility Rate Adjustment at the City-owned Penn Station Garage.

Real Estate

SB-24-10223, 1st Amendment to Lease Agreement for 401/501 N. Calvert Street, AGC5900 – Police, ATAPCO BALTIMORE 1, LLC. Period of agreement is 1/1/2024 to 12/31/202.8 Transaction Amount is $3,362,830. “401/501 N. Calvert Street, also known as the Sun Building, is occupied by BCPD, EMS, and BCFD. This action will amend the lease entered into on April 22, 2020. The initial 24 months constitute a Standstill Period for negotiating a Design Development Agreement and Long-term Lease Agreement. In preliminary discussions, it is contemplated that the City will have the option to own after the long-term lease.”

Address the Board


Members of the public can submit Statements of Opposition. Statements must be received by noon on the Tuesday prior to the Board of Estimates meeting. A Statement of Opposition means a written statement by a member of the public expressing opposition to an item presented on a Board of Estimates agenda for a vote, provided that the person submitting the statement of opposition is a City resident or taxpayer, or a spokesperson for a City resident or taxpayer, or is directly and specifically affected by a pending matter or decision of the Board, and (d) that is distinct from a Protest.

Members of the public can also submit statements of support to the Board of Estimates. Statements of support can come from anyone in the public in support of any item listed on the stated Board of Estimates agenda.  Please indicate if you would like to address the Board or only wish to have your statement of support noted.


Protests for contract awards must be received by noon on the Monday prior to the Board of Estimates meeting. A protest is a written challenge to the award of a bid to a particular bidder that has been presented to the Board of Estimates on an agenda for a vote. Anyone submitting a protest must be registered as a procurement lobbyist with the Board of Ethics in accordance with Baltimore City Ethics Code, §8-12.

Rules for submitting Protests and Statements of Opposition are available at the Comptroller's website. Protests (written challenges to the award of a bid) must be received by noon on the Monday prior to the Board of Estimates meeting. 

The complete regulations on procurement, protests, minority and women-owned business enterprises, and debarment/suspensions can be found on the Comptroller's website.

Protests and Statements of Opposition or Support must be submitted to by mail or hand delivery to Attn: Clerk, Board of Estimates Room 204, City Hall, 100 N. Holliday Street. 

Attend the Meeting

In person. Join us on the second floor of City Hall in the Hyman Pressman Board Room, 100 N. Holliday St.

Streaming. All meetings are streamed live on Charm TV and posted after on Charm TV's Youtube channel.

Listen in. Members of the public can call in via Webex by dialing (408)-418-9388; access code: 2343 700 2301 

Watch on television. Watch Charm TV, channel 25.


Public Information Requests. Requests for background documents for any Board of Estimates items should be made through

Starting November 1, 2023 and moving forward, Public Information Act requests sent to the Baltimore City Office of the Comptroller will be published in a quarterly report and made available on the office’s website. 

The Comptroller’s Office committed to this level of transparency in its January 2021 transition report (pg 26) based on a recommendation from good government advocates. More information is available at the Comptroller's website. 

Schedule. The Board meets regularly on the first and third Wednesday of each month, with the exception of June and December. Please see the Comptroller’s website for a detailed BOE meeting schedule and associated submission deadlines.

BOE Database. The Baltimore City Board of Estimates (BOE) Database provides both transparency and easy access to searchable information for the BOE, Comptroller’s Office, internal agency customers and the public. It can be found at

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