Release: Board of Estimates Agenda for 5/17
Thursday May 11th, 2023
Baltimore, MD - The agenda for the Board of Estimates May 17th meeting is now available. It can be found on the Comptroller’s website under the Board of Estimates tab.
This agenda was produced by our new, automated BOE portal. The agenda will continue to look a little bit different each week. There are still formatting and processing modifications we are working through. Let us know if you have questions or feedback!
Items of Note
These are transactions we find interesting or may be of interest to the public, organized by agency. A separate list of items on the non-routine/discussion agenda are announced at the BOE meeting.
City Council
SB-23-11748, City Council Bill 21-0178 - Tax Credits - Historic Properties - Definition of “Historic Property.”
SB-23-11762, Governmental/Charitable Solicitation Application Summer Fridays Programming 2023. "Baltimore City school children depend on schools being open in the summer for classes and extracurriculars that provide both enrichment and a sanctuary for students. This summer, however, BCPSS is limiting programming to four days a week. Young people in Baltimore deserve to have safe spaces to go to, especially in the summer when there is typically a rise in violence. Funds raised will go toward providing programming on Fridays for BCPSS students. Councilmember Cohen and his staff intend to raise between $30,000-40,000 in this campaign."
General Services
SB-23-11543, GS18815 - City Hall Wall Repairs, Phase 1, 2 & Alternate Phases. Transaction amount is $1,616,000.68. This is an EWO for restoration work at City Hall. It will allow the supplier to "continue building restoration efforts and mitigation of safety risks due to existing conditions.”
Homeless Services
SB-23-11593, Renewal of Grant Agreements between the City and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) FY 2022 Continuum of Care (CoC) Grant Program. Transaction amount is $26,311,475. This lists 41 grantees that receive funds from the Continuum of Care (CoC), which provides rental and eviction assistance to residents in Baltimore City. The grant start dates begin February 1, 2023, and the latest start date ends January 1, 2024. This is a notice of the CoC plans to distribute the funds.
Housing and Community Development
SB-23-11008, Grant Agreement - Operating with Harbor West Collaborative Affordable Housing Land Trust, LLC. Transaction amount is $100,000. "This award for operating cost will help build the capacity of the land trust organization to be able to develop and house citizens of Baltimore City at and below 50% of the Area Median Income (“AMI”) in an effort to create permanently affordable housing in Baltimore City under the affordable housing trust fund."
Information & Technology
SB-23-11044, Fearless Solutions, LLC. - First Amendment to the Consultant/Professional Services Agreement for Website Redesign Services. Terms of service are 1/11/2023 to 4/10/2024. Transaction amount is $887,843.95. On January 11, 2023, the Board approved the Original Agreement for the Consultant to advise, perform, and guide the City on the design, development, training, and implementation of a browser-independent website, in the amount of $1,078,847.40. The original contract terminates on January 10, 2024.
SB-23-11634, Ricardo Shaw v. Detective Maurice Ward, et al. U.S. District Court – Case No. 1:22-cv-03259-ADC. Settlement amount is $450,000. This is a GTTF-related case. On June 22, 2009, Plaintiff was arrested and charged with possession with intent to distribute. Officer Ward was one of the arresting officers. Plaintiff pled guilty to possession with intent to distribute and was sentenced to three years of incarceration. Plaintiff served approximately 2 ½ years of incarcerated time before being released in 2012. In 2019, the Baltimore City State’s Attorney’s Officer filed a Motion to Vacate Plaintiff’s Conviction, based on Ward’s 2017 conviction on racketeering charges and a statement by convicted officer Momodu Gondo that Ward had distributed stolen money when they worked together in a prior unit. The Motion to Vacate did not assert or suggest that the arresting officers violated any laws in their handling of Shaw’s 2009 arrest."
SB-23-11509, Payment of Invoices without Valid Contract - MK Analytics. Dates are 5/1/2023- 5/1/2024. Transaction amount is $49,200.
SB-23-11513, Formal-Reject all Bids - Solicitation RFQ-000082 – Snow Removal Services - Memo 0204. This item was deferred from the May 3rd meeting by the Council President's office.
SB-23-11703, Informal – Sole Source - Rifle Rebuild Kits - Memo - 0227. One-time purchase. $72,576.00.
SB-23-11546, Curbside Commercial Dining Schedule. This item was deferred from the May 3rd Board of Estimates meeting.
Address the Board
Members of the public can submit Statements of Opposition. Statements must be received by noon on the Tuesday prior to the Board of Estimates meeting. A Statement of Opposition means a written statement by a member of the public expressing opposition to an item presented on a Board of Estimates agenda for a vote, provided that the person submitting the statement of opposition is a City resident or taxpayer, or a spokesperson for a City resident or taxpayer, or is directly and specifically affected by a pending matter or decision of the Board, and (d) that is distinct from a Protest.
Protests for contract awards must be received by noon on the Monday prior to the Board of Estimates meeting. A protest is a written challenge to the award of a bid to a particular bidder that has been presented to the Board of Estimates on an agenda for a vote. Anyone submitting a protest must be registered as a procurement lobbyist with the Board of Ethics in accordance with Baltimore City Ethics Code, §8-12.
Rules for submitting Protests and Statements of Opposition are available at the Comptroller's website. Protests (written challenges to the award of a bid) must be received by noon on the Monday prior to the Board of Estimates meeting.
The complete regulations on procurement, protests, minority and women-owned business enterprises, and debarment/suspensions can be found on the Comptroller's website.
Protests and Statements of Opposition must be submitted to by mail or hand delivery to Attn: Clerk, Board of Estimates Room 204, City Hall, 100 N. Holliday Street.
Attend the Meeting
In person. Join us on the second floor of City Hall in the Hyman Pressman Board Room, 100 N. Holliday St.
Streaming. All meetings are streamed live on Charm TV and posted after on Charm TV's Youtube channel.
Listen in. Members of the public can call in via Webex by dialing (408)-418-9388; access code: 2340 997 2335
Watch on television. Watch Charm TV, channel 25.
Schedule. The Board meets regularly on the first and third Wednesday of each month, with the exception of June and December. Please see the Comptroller’s website for a detailed BOE meeting schedule and associated submission deadlines.
BOE Database. The Baltimore City Board of Estimates (BOE) Database provides both transparency and easy access to searchable information for the BOE, Comptroller’s Office, internal agency customers and the public. It can be found at
Background Information. Requests for background documents for any Board of Estimates items should be made through