Release: Board of Estimates Draft Agenda for 4/6

Crest of the City of Baltimore

Bill Henry
Baltimore City
204 City Hall - Baltimore Maryland 21202
(410) 396-5410


Geoff Shannon, Public Relations Officer
(410) 387-5704


Baltimore, MD - A DRAFT Board of Estimates agenda for the April 6th BOE meeting is now available. This DRAFT is still being edited for corrections and additions due to the high volume of transactions submitted for this meeting. It can also be found on the Comptroller's website under the Board of Estimates tab. We will update our website with the final agenda on Monday, April 4th.

At 406 pages, this is the largest BOE agenda ever.

Items of note 

These are transactions we find interesting or may be of interest to the public, organized by agency. A separate list of items on the non-routine/ discussion agenda are announced at the BOE meeting.

ARPA Funds

Pages 100-103 and 107-117, MOED, Grant Agreements for ARPA occupational skills training providers, legal services, and transportation to jobs. There are seven agreements with non-profit providers including Open Works, UNITE HERE Mid-Atlantic, Goodwill Industries, Maryland Legal Services Corp., Baltimore Metro Chapter Associated Builders and Contractors, Maryland New Directions, and Baltimore Civic Fund.

Page 118- 119, Office of Recovery Programs, Inter-Agency Agreement with Rec & Parks for $14 Million.


Page 4, Items #1 and 2, Department of Audits, Audit Reports—BCIT Financial Audit for Fiscal Years Ended June 30, 2020 and 2019 and Report on Applying Agreed-Upon Procedures for the Baltimore City Cable Television Franchise Agreement January 2017-January 2021.  Both items will be on non-routine. 


Page 27, Personnel Matters for Stephen Derkosh, grants manager.

PagEs 163-164, Item #1, BOP, Renewal of Contract for Cellebrite Ultimate Software and Hardware Upgrade with Cellebrite, Inc. End-user is BPD.  The renewal extends the contract through March 30, 2023 and adds $220,170 in value.

Page 327, BPD, Consultant Agreement with Polygraph Examiner, Sheri Sturm.

Page 328, BPD, Intergovernmental Agreement with the Office of the State’s Attorney of Baltimore City for the Maryland Criminal Intelligence Network (MCIN) grant.


Page 136, DOT, MOU with Defender, LLC. This is an agreement that will allow a private company to install surveillance cameras on City light poles in the company’s development, and allow BPD to access data from the cameras.

Emergency Procurement

Pages 211-214, Item #35, BOP, Report of Emergency Procurement.  This is the $9.1 Million series of contracts for DOT that was deferred at the March 16 meeting to allow MBWOO to evaluate the compliance of the 16 vendors.


Pages 341-344, Dept. of Finance, Payment of Outstanding Invoices. 

  • Page 341, Payment of $10,271.27 by BCIT to Rocket Software for a subscription service that started without a contract in place. 
  • Page 342, Payment of $12,600 by MOCFS to Nulinx International for software subscription that continued after contract expiration 
  • Page 343, Payment of $6,208.36 by the State’s Attorneys Office to LexisNexis Risk Solutions FL, Inc. for a “research tool” that was used without a contract in place. 
  • Page 344, Payment of $9,445.42 by MOSH to Docebo NA, Inc. for a management system software subscription that renewed without a purchase order in place. 


Page 38, Fire Department, Payment of Back Wages.  BCFD is paying $60,774.58 in back wages to an employee who was suspended.


Pages 193-194, Item # 22, BOP, Contract Award for Fibroscan 530 Compact Equipment with Echosens North America, Inc.  End-user is Health Department.  Contract value is $84,098 and the term is retroactive to July 17, 2020 through July 16, 2023. 


Pages 248-249, DHCD, Third Amendment to Land Disposition Agreement with CHAI.

Pages 287-288, DHCD, Grant Agreement with Harford House Limited Partnership.  Grant amount is $500,000 to be used towards developing permanent affordable housing in the Oliver neighborhood.

Pages 299-300, DHCD, Grant Agreement with Pennsylvania Avenue Black Arts & Entertainment District, Inc.

Labor Commissioner

Page 73, Labor Commissioner, MOU with Fire Fighters Local 734 for FY 2022-2024.  This is the new union contract. There is a briefing on this on Tuesday at 10:45 a.m. 

Page 74, Labor Commissioner, Revisions to Joint Standards of Apprenticeship Agreement.


Page 75, Law Dept., Settlement Agreement & Release for William and Ena Garcia v. Mayor & City Council and MTA.  Settlement amount is $50,000 for injuries sustained by Mr. Garcia when he tripped on loose bricks by the Convention Center Light Rail stop in 2016. 

Page 76, Law Dept., Settlement Agreement & Release for Walinda Muse-Wallace v. Mayor & City Council and BPD Officer Michael Wood.  Settlement amount is $70,000 for injuries sustained by Ms. Muse-Wallace when the bus she was driving was struck by a Police car.

Real Estate

Pages 64-66, Land Disposition Agreement with Morgan State University. More information found on our website.


Page 161, Dept. of Planning, FY 2023-2028 Capital Budget and Capital Improvement Program. This is being noted by the Board and referred to the Board of Finance.

Public Works

Pages 350-353, Items #11-16.

  • WC 1252, Grantley Road and Vicinity Water Main Replacement and Transfer of Funds 
  • WC 1410, Urgent Need Water Infrastructure Rehabilitation and Improvements Phase I-FY’21 and Transfer of Funds 
  • WC 1285, Caroline Street and Vicinity Water Main Replacements and Transfer of Funds. 

Multiple agencies

Pages 186-188, Item # 17, BOP, Increase to Contract for Computer Aided Dispatch Master Support Agreement with TriTech Software Systems.  End-users are BCIT, BCFD, and BPD.  The increase adds $500,000 in value for a total of $5,855,269.11 for a contract awarded in 2017.

Pages 204-206, Item # 30, BOP, Ratification and Extension for Contract B50004145, Fiber Optic Cable Installation, Maintenance and Repair with Highlander Contracting Co. and Bluestar Technologies, Inc. End-users include BCIT, DOT, DPW, BPD, and others.


To attend the meeting:

In person. Join us on the second floor of City Hall in the Hyman Pressman Board Room, 100 N. Holliday St.

Streaming. All meetings are streamed live on Charm TV and posted after on Charm TV's youtube channel.

Listen in. Members of the public can call in via Webex by dialing (408)-418-9388; access code: 2346 221 8849.

Watch on television. Watch Charm TV, channel 25.

To address the board:

Procedures for addressing the Board have changed. New rules for submitting Protests and Statements of Opposition are available at the Comptroller's Website. Protests (written challenges to the award of a bid) must be received by noon on Monday, March 14th. 

Members of the public can submit Statements of Opposition. Statements must be received by noon on Tuesday, March 15th. 

Protests and and Statements of Opposition must be submitted to, cc: or by mail or hand delivery to Attn: Clerk, Board of Estimates Room 204, City Hall, 100 N. Holliday Street. 

The complete regulations on procurement, protests, minority and women-owned business enterprises, and debarment/suspensions can be found on the Comptroller's website.


The Board meets regularly on the first and third Wednesday of each month, with the exception of June and December. Please see the Comptroller’s website for a detailed BOE meeting schedule and associated submission deadlines.

Bid openings:

The Board has implemented changes to the bid opening process.

Bid tabulation sheets detailing bid proposals received will be publicly posted to the Comptroller’s website by close of business on the date of bid opening.

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