Press Releases

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Release: Comptroller Henry Supports HB 1509 to Implement Recommendations of the Baltimore Regional Water Taskforce

Baltimore, Md - Comptroller Bill Henry sent a letter of support for House Bill (HB) 1509, “Baltimore Regional Water Governance Model Workgroup – Established” to the Environment and Transportati

Release: Comptroller Henry Supports House Bill 166 to Remove Incentives for Trash Incineration

Baltimore, Md - Comptroller Bill Henry sent a letter of support for House Bill (HB) 166, “Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard – Eligible Sources – Alterations (Reclaim Renewable Energy Act of 2

Release: Baltimore Regional Water Governance Task Force Issues Final Recommendations and Report

Baltimore, MD – The Baltimore Regional Water Governance Task Force (BRWGTF), established under House Bill 843 (HB843), proudly announces the delivery of its 

Release: Comptroller Henry Supports Senate Bill 146 to Strengthen the Renewable Energy Act

Baltimore, Md - Comptroller Bill Henry sent a letter of support for Senate Bill 146 “Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard – Eligible Sources – Alterations (Reclaim Renewable En

Release: Comptroller Henry Releases 2024 Audit Plan

Baltimore, Md. – Comptroller Bill Henry, in coordination with the Department of Audits and City Auditor Josh Pasch, has announced the 2024 Biennial Audit plan. 

Release: Comptroller Henry Launches Open Checkbook 2.0 

Residents can now view all third-party payments made by the City from August 2022 through today

Baltimore, MD - Comptroller Bill Henry launched 

Release: Office of the Comptroller Releases FY2023 Annual Report

Baltimore, MD - The Office of the Comptroller has released its Fiscal Year 2023 Annual Report, Comptroller Bill Henry announced. 
