Water Rate Hearing

On December 18th, 2024 the Board of Estimates approved the Department of Public Works' request for a proposed rate increase hearing. DPW has proposed rate increases for water, wastewater, and stormwater charges. The hearing is scheduled to take place during the January 22nd Board of Estimates meeting. 

Per ART. 24, § 3-1 (b) (3), the Board of Estimates, "shall afford an opportunity for the Council members and the public to make recommendations" on water rates or changes. Background information on the water rate proposal can be found on the Department of Public Works website concerning the proposed rate changes. 

To submit comments on the proposal, members of the public have the below options:

  • Virtual. Testify via Webex by dialing (408)-418-9388; access code: 2332 649 4295
    • Members of the public MUST sign up by Tuesday, January 21st at 4:30pm to testify virtually.
  • In person. Testify at City Hall in the Board of Estimates Chambers, 100 N. Holliday St.
  • Submit comments by filling out the form below.

If you are attending the meeting in person you must fill out the form below.


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