Advisory: Comptroller Henry's Public Schedule January 24-28

Crest of the City of Baltimore

Bill Henry
Baltimore City
204 City Hall - Baltimore Maryland 21202
(410) 396-5410


Geoff Shannon, Public Relations Officer
(410) 387-5704


Monday, January 24th

3pm: Board of Finance Meeting

Comptroller Henry particpated in a meeting of the Board of Finance Monday. The Board typically meets on the fourth Monday of every month at 3pm. Residents can find more information on the BOF, including future meeting times, at their website.

Thursday, January 27th

9am: Senate Budget & Taxation Committee Testimony

Comptroller Henry will testify in support of Senate Bill 47, “Pensions and Retirement—Forfeiture of Benefits—Law Enforcement Officers” and Senate Bill 141, “Pensions and Retirement—Forfeiture of Benefits—Law Enforcement Officers”, both sponsored by Senator Jill Carter, before the Pensions Subcommittee of the Senate Budget & Taxation Committee. The public can watch the hearing on Youtube. You can read Comptroller Henry's stance on pension reform in his Maryland Legislative Priority List


Friday, January 28th

9am: Baltimore City Delegation Testimony

Comptroller Henry will testify in support of Senate Bill 276, “Baltimore City Public School Buildings—Notice of Demolition", sponsored by Senator Cory McCray, before the Baltimore City Delegation. More information about this hearing can be found at the Maryland General Assembly’s website. 

10am: CASH Campaign for Maryland

To celebrate National Earned Income Tax Credit Awareness Day Comptroller Henry will share a video in support of the CASH Campaign of Maryland as part of its kickoff press conference. Now in its 21st year providing free tax preparation services to low-to-moderate income Marylanders, the nonprofit CASH (Creating Assets, Savings and Hope) Campaign is again offering free tax preparation services to anyone who earned $58,000 or less in 2021. For more information visit

Additions or changes to this schedule will be sent out as they occur, and will be posted to the Comptroller's website.

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