10-Year Solid Waste Management Plan Public Hearing
On May 18th, 2022 the Board of Estimates approved the Department of Public Works's request for a hearing on proposed amendments to the Solid Waste Management Plan for Baltimore City. The hearing will discuss adding in certain supplemental information required by the State and the addition of a recycling plan to reach the State mandated 35% recycling rate.
Background information on the proposed amendments can be found on DPW's website. The hearing will be held on June 1 at 9am during the regularly scheduled Board of Estimates meeting.
To submit comments on the proposal, members of the public have the below options:
- Virtual. Testify via Webex by dialing (408)-418-9388; access code: 2340 745 0827.
- In person. Testify at City Hall in the Board of Estimates Chambers, 100 N. Holliday St.
- Submit comments by filling out the form below.
If you are attending the meeting in person you must fill out the form below.